According to Los Angeles Times on Sunday, Charlie Sheen teamed up with Snoop Dogg and Korn guitarist Robert Patterson to record a song titled “Winning”, named after the catchphrase repeated nonstop by the actor through interviews and tweets. Sheen told his Twitter followers to “get ready to rock the Sheenius”, as the hit will be aired on Tuesday. However, Patterson’s stand on the song is a little less enthusiastic; he claims he does not want people to take the song seriously, because it is “meant to be fun and entertaining.” The lyrics were written by Snoop Dogg solely 45 minutes before heading to the studio to record it, and the actual recording itself took no more than two hours. The beginning of the song features a cameo from Carmen Electra, who is engaged to Patterson. Sheen seems to be optimistic about the song’s future, asking the rhetorical question “Who doesn’t like winning?”
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